While every serviceperson in the United States Navy was most likely exposed to asbestos, certain occupations in the US Navy put them at a higher risk of developing an asbestos-related disease because of their repeated and prolonged exposure to asbestos. The following jobs in the US Navy are at a higher risk of developing mesothelioma or asbestos-related lung cancer:
Navy Serviceman
Machinist Mate
Hull Maintenance Technicians
Aircraft Mechanic
Asbestos was widely used in the construction of Navy ships and aircraft until the 1970s, when it began to be phased out due to health risks. As a result, many veterans who served in the Navy during the 20th century were exposed to the toxic substance and are now facing the consequences. Asbestos was used by the military for many decades because of its fireproofing, insulation, and soundproofing properties. It was used in a variety of ways, including insulation for pipes and boilers, protective clothing, and as a fireproofing agent for walls, floors, and ceilings. Unfortunately, it was also highly toxic and, when disturbed, could release tiny fibers into the air that could be easily inhaled or ingested. Veterans who served in the Navy from the 1940s to the 1970s are the most at risk of developing illnesses related to asbestos exposure. While shipyard workers and Navy personnel who worked on or around ships would have been the most exposed, anyone who served in the Navy during this time could have been exposed to asbestos. This includes those who worked in engine and boiler rooms, where asbestos was used as insulation, and those who worked around aircraft, where asbestos was also used. Veterans who were exposed to asbestos in the Navy may now be facing serious health risks. Asbestos exposure is linked to a range of illnesses, including mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer, as well as asbestosis, a lung disease caused by asbestos fibers. Exposure to asbestos can also increase the risk of other cancers, including lung cancer, and can cause respiratory issues. Those veterans who served in the United States Navy during the 20th century and were exposed to asbestos and later diagnosed with asbestos caused cancer are able to receive compensation for their disease. It is important that navy veterans receive the benefits they are entitled to under the law, so that they can get the medical care and support they need and deserve. For questions regarding these legal options, please contact The Veterans Asbestos Alliance.

U.S. Navy Ships with Known Asbestos Exposure

An Essex-class Aircraft Carrier of the United States Navy.

USS Cimarron-class Fleet Oiler of the United States Navy.

Fleet Oiler of the United States Navy.

An Essex-class Aircraft Carrier of the United States Navy.

Navy Ships That Contained Asbestos
Aircraft Carrier
Ammunition Ship
Amphibious Assault Ship
Destroyer Leader/Frigate
Destroyer Tender
Dock Landing Ship
Escort Carrier
Fleet Oiler
Fleet Replenishment Oiler
Guided Missile Armed Destroyer
Guided Missile Armed Destroyer
Guided Missile Cruiser
Guided Missile Destroyer
Heavy Cruiser
Light Armored Cruiser
Littoral Combat Ship
Repair Ship
Submarine Tender
Tank Landing Ship